The show had quite a successful opening on Saturday November 4th with some 50-60 people in attendance. The day was bright and cheerful, the crowd was interested and interesting and the photos all looked great hung up on the walls. I know that several friends have been during this past week as well and have all sent really positive feedback.
My friend Ariel K was on hand and took some lovely photos. I have linked to the album on FB and included some photos below. Juan Pablo and Malena were also on hand to take video of the opening and also the day before they took some of the mounting of the photos. When that is ready to show, I’ll send out another update.
Clarin, one of the daily newspapers here in Buenos Aires, just published an article about the jacarandas of Buenos Aires and included a quote from me and a bit about the show which was very nice of them.
“Pero no sólo los porteños muestran una admiración floral inusitada. También los extranjeros, como Beatrice Murch, fotógrafa estadounidense afincada en Buenos Aires que el sábado inauguró una exposición en el Botánico sólo con imágenes de esta especie.
“Llegué a la Ciudad un mes de noviembre, con los jacarandás en flor. Estaban tan lindos que me enamoré. En California, donde nací, también hay, pero acá están por todos lados: en las avenidas y las plazas, y también en las calles angostas, donde son una sorpresa de color”, cuenta entusiasmada Murch.”
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woman, myself, mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, immigrant, activist, digital doula, website builder, photographer, geek, observer and participant she/her/hers
Yay, B., see?